Monday, August 22, 2011


“You’ll never leave where you are, until you decide where you’d rather be.”
                                                                                                Lewis Dunnington

Think about that quote for a minute.  What does it mean for your life?   Are you stuck in a rut that you would gladly get out of, if only you had some idea of where you want to go?  Think now of how it relates to the local church.  Many active Christians agree that the local church in the Western World is stuck in some sort of rut.  However, few have any idea of where it needs to be or how to get there.

This is where vision comes in.  The Bible teaches that “where there is no vision, the people perish.”  (Prov. 29:18)  It is high time that the church of Jesus Christ rise up, look around and decide where it is that we would rather be.  God is, without a doubt, revealing Himself and His will to this generation.  We should open our eyes and our hearts to His leadership as He shows us where He would have us to live and work.  Once we begin to see clearly where we would rather be, it will be easy for us to leave where we are.

So take some time over the next several days and weeks to look around.  Try to see clearly where it is you would rather be and then take some positive steps to get there.  I’ll be praying for you.

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