Monday, April 2, 2012

"He Is Risen!"

It has often been said that you don’t ever really appreciate what you have until it is taken away.  So true. 

That must have been how the disciples felt when they stood idly by and watched Jesus being arrested and ultimately crucified.  The very person that had been the motivating source of their hopes and dreams over the past three years had been suddenly and abruptly removed from their lives.  Their devastation was obvious.  The Bible records that they spent the next couple days cowering down in a dark room trying to deal with their overwhelming grief and trying to decide what they were to do next. (Mark 16:14; Luke 24:33-44; John 20:19-23)

“UP FROM THE GRAVE HE AROSE.”  He’s back.  Hallelujah!  And this time it is better than ever because now they get it.  All the pieces fit together perfectly now.  Finally they understand that His kingdom is “not of this world.”  It is all so clear now; eternal life, abundant life,  for God so loved the world, grace, peace, forgiveness, redemption, hope. 

From now on their choice is clear; live like He taught them to live and do what He commanded them to do.  From this point forward, there could be no turning back, no compromise and especially no doubting the truth.  Jesus was back!  And He promised that He would be with them ALWAYS.