Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Baobab Tree

One of the many images that I have bouncing around in my mind from our trip to Tanzania last month is that of the Boabab tree.  These enormous trees are truly something to behold and they not only caught my attention, but also stirred my imagination.  Baobab trees are huge; some standing as high as 90 feet with diameters of more than 30 feet.  They are not very aesthetic and certainly not beautiful as trees go, rather simple and clumpy.  As a matter of fact, local legend says that God was angered by the Boabab tree and thus planted them all upside down.  (It does look as though their roots are sticking up where their branches ought to be.)  However, they are magnificent to behold mainly because of their sheer size.

The Baobab trees that we saw in Tanzania did not grow in forests or even in groves with other Boababs.  Rather, they stood alone; usually high on a hill that overlooked a magnificent plain.  To me, they stood like sentinels standing alone to keep watch over the valleys below.  (I know I’m sounding a little “Lord of the Rings – ish” here but that’s just the way I saw them.)  They stood tall and strong, albeit alone, providing clear reference points for any man or beast that might walk through the valley below.

I do have a point here.  It dawned on me that Christianity is not very common or popular among the Massai of East Africa (or here in America for that matter).  Often times we as Christians, like the mighty Baobabs, are called to stand tall and strong as we watch over those that God has placed in our realm of influence.  Sometimes we find it to be a lonely place as we stand alone representing our Lord.  Our faith in Jesus Christ is not always accepted as popular or politically correct.  Yet, we are called to take a stand where others can clearly see the faith that we profess. Our stance in a lost and broken world can provide a clear reference point for others who seek to find their way to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

God used the Baobab tree to challenge me as a Christian and a leader.  "Dear God, let me stand tall and strong even though I may find myself standing alone; all for Your glory."

Monday, August 22, 2011


“You’ll never leave where you are, until you decide where you’d rather be.”
                                                                                                Lewis Dunnington

Think about that quote for a minute.  What does it mean for your life?   Are you stuck in a rut that you would gladly get out of, if only you had some idea of where you want to go?  Think now of how it relates to the local church.  Many active Christians agree that the local church in the Western World is stuck in some sort of rut.  However, few have any idea of where it needs to be or how to get there.

This is where vision comes in.  The Bible teaches that “where there is no vision, the people perish.”  (Prov. 29:18)  It is high time that the church of Jesus Christ rise up, look around and decide where it is that we would rather be.  God is, without a doubt, revealing Himself and His will to this generation.  We should open our eyes and our hearts to His leadership as He shows us where He would have us to live and work.  Once we begin to see clearly where we would rather be, it will be easy for us to leave where we are.

So take some time over the next several days and weeks to look around.  Try to see clearly where it is you would rather be and then take some positive steps to get there.  I’ll be praying for you.