Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I think I saw a church!

Most of you know by now that we here at Old Fort have been seeking to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord by hosting the Community Impact for Christ every Monday night, where hundreds of people come each week for physical, emotional or spiritual support.  Served by hundreds of deicated voluteers, CIFC has provided a way for us to share the love of God and His gospel message with hundreds that we may have never even met before beginning this program.  Over the past seventeen months, literally thousands have been served and best of all, many have been saved. 

Most recently, my concern has been to find a way to get our many clients, especially the regulars, involved in a local church.  I recognized that there are many barriers deviding the people of God and that these barriers are never more apparent than on Sunday Morning.  I had been praying earnestly that God would show me how to connect these beautiful people, many of whom were already his faithful servants, into a church home; either here at Old Fort or some other Bible believing fellowship.  Then it happenned.  I saw the church.

One Monday several weeks ago as I walked through the crowd of guests waiting patiently to be checked in, I noticed some things that felt very familiar to me.  They were calling me "pastor" and talking as if they had known me for a long time.  They were fellowshipping among themselves and with many of our OFBC family.  Once things got started, I noticed how they went out with our members, talking and laughing to other areas where God's people were waiting to help them with food or medical attention or prayer.  Then I remembered a Bible verse about the first church recorded in the book of Acts.  "All the believers were in one heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had."  (Acts 4:32)

That's when it hit me.  I was looking at the church in its purest form.  These many clients had not been coming to a community service organization all these months, they had been coming to church; God's church.  While we had been busy building a Christian service center, God had been building His Kingdom.  What a revelation!!  Now I am no longer praying that God would show me how to get our clients involved in a church, but rather that He would show me and all of us how to accept them as our church.   I believe that once we learn to do that, they will then feel the barriers that divide us crumble and will find there way to worship with us (or someone) on Sundays.

What do you think?


  1. "These many clients had not been coming to a community service organization all these months, they had been coming to church; God's church." ~~LOVE this!! I've always been jealous of the first Christians' church as recorded in the book of Acts, and now I'm PART OF THAT with many, many others!!! :) What a blessing!!!

  2. PTL ...it is always good when Jesus blessed the bread and fish.. Jesus fell mercy for the poor, hungry, sick, etc and He allowed His disciples to be servants, break bread with them, everyone was full and there was a basket left over for each disciple to carry, both the giver and receiver was blessed by Him!
